My Music
In this strand, you will find samples of my music. This includes sound files of pre-recorded songs, videos of new songs sung a capella, which I plan to eventually record with musical accompaniment, and links to my music on Spotify and Apple Music. Please note that while all of the music posted on this webpage is family-friendly, some of the music on the streaming services is very explicit/adult. I still like most of the streamed music, but some of it was written as far back as age 19 so it represents my voice during many different stages of my life.
Furthermore, I've recorded many newer songs, a capella, on my YouTube channel since I last released an album. To explore that music, click here.
Songs of Emotions
The following four songs work together as a set, exploring different emotions. "Welcome Anger" addresses making friends with and taking care of our anger. " Ride a Wild Horse" addresses fear, using the metaphor of fear being a wild stallion and the singer being a horse whisperer who listens to and cares for the wild horse (fear). "The Lake of Sadness" addresses both sadness and grief, and "Heart Sing" explores the nature of joy and celebrates it.
Johnny Warrior
Johnny Warrior is a character I created to represent my sense of drive. He was created in conjunction with a presentation I gave at the Gay Coaches Alliance conference, as was the playlist Driver Moving Forward.
Desmond's Song
This song was written for my friend Desmond who passed quickly and unexpectedly. Aside from images from our personal experiences together, it contains many images from his poems.
Below the Line
This song was inspired by the text The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman, and Kaley Klemp. These are the people who run the Conscious Leadership Group (CLG). One of their central teachings is with regard to knowing when we are above or below the line then learning to choose to shift when realize we are below the line. When we are below the line, we are on the drama triangle and playing the roles of victim, villain, and hero. When we are above the line, these shift into creator, challenger, and coach. I wrote this song to reflect on the ways that I go below the line. This song is connected to my playlist, The Drama Triangle on which I gather songs written from a victim, villain or hero perspective.
Swan Song
This is a chant that I wrote to be sung at the moment of death. I sing it every day as part of my impermanence practice and as a way to practice gratitude for being alive and embrace the mystery of life and death.